The following websites, podcasts, ministries, and books are recommended for your instruction and encouragement. This does not mean we agree with everything stated in these resources, but it does mean these are generally trustworthy, gospel-centered, Bible-based resources that are beneficial for your growth and discipleship.
THE GOSPEL. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul calls the gospel something that is “of utmost importance,” so it intentionally appears first on this list.
2 Ways To Live. A simple presentation of the gospel message.
What Is The Gospel? A simple but comprehensive interactive course to help you discover the meaning and aspects of the gospel of Jesus.
The Cross of Christ by John Stott
The Gospel by Ray Ortlund
Saved From What? by R.C. Sproul

What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert
9 Marks. Helps church leaders & church members see what a biblical church looks like and how to take practical steps for becoming one.
Bible Project. YouTube channel featuring beautifully animated and narrated videos to help people experience the unified story of the Bible.
Desiring God. Find your joy in God with sermons, books, podcasts, video, and daily articles from the ministry of John Piper.
The Gospel Coalition. Supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Gracelaced. An art and lifestyle brand that exists to adorn the gospel through collectible, meaningful, and truth-filled products based on the written and painted work of its founder, author, and artist, Ruth Chou Simons.
TGC Courses. Free online learning about theology and life. A large collection of free courses with many different practical and theological topics.

APOLOGETICS (resources for defending the faith).

The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Reason for God by Tim Keller

Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey

Tactics by Greg Koukl


Bible Talk by 9Marks. A podcast featuring conversations about the Bible and Biblical Theology.
BibleProject. A podcast with deeper theological conversations inviting you to explore the biblical theology behind each animated video from the BibleProject’s YouTube channel.

Help Me Teach The Bible with Nancy Guthrie. Help for how to read and understand specific books of the Bible.
How To Read the Bible. From BibleProject. Learn about the Bible’s larger story and how to read it well.
Look At The Book. There’s no book like the Bible. Learn to read it for yourself.

Simply Put by Ligonier. A short podcast about long words. Every week, Barry Cooper sheds light on a different biblical or theological term.

Solid Joys Daily Devotional by John Piper. Short and substantive readings to feed your joy in Jesus every day.
Books about the Bible:
ESV Study Bible. An excellent Bible-reading tool with intros to every biblical book and explanatory notes throughout Scripture.
Knowing Scripture by R.C. Sproul. Presents in simple, basic terms a commonsense approach to studying and reading Scripture.
The Briefing by Al Mohler. A daily podcast with an analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
Gospelbound by Collin Hansen. A podcast for those searching for firm faith in an anxious age.

Ask Pastor John by John Piper. Pastor John answers tough theological, pastoral, and practical questions.
Books about The Christian Life:
Holiness Of God by R.C. Sproul
How People Change by Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
The Whole Christ by Sinclair Ferguson
The Family Discipleship Podcast. Practical conversations about the critically important and mostly ordinary work of leading at home.
Getty Kids Hymnal: Family Hymn Sing by Keith and Kristyn Getty. An album of popular hymns made for and sung by kids. Great for family worship and children’s church.
God’s Big Story. A podcast for kids. We teach the Bible, sing the Bible, and talk about what it means with some friends.
Tales That Tell The Truth. Every book in this series features beautiful illustrations and engaging story-telling that captures young imaginations but always remains faithful and true to the biblical text. (Also on Amazon.)
Jesus Kids. An album for kids about Jesus by recording artist shai linne.
Tiny Theologians. Helps kids grow in knowing and loving God through his Word through Gospel-centered and theologically-rich discipleship tools for children ages 2 to 12.
Truth78. God-centered children’s ministry curriculum and resources for equipping the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God.
Books about children, parenting, & family:

Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Elyse Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson
Building Healthy Churches: 16 Volume Set by 9Marks. These are short books to help Christians think more biblically about church, discipleship, and following Jesus.
ChurchQuestions Books. Series of mini-books provides accessible discipling resources that focus on the centrality of the local church in the Christian life—for both new converts and undiscipled believers.

How to Build a Healthy Church by Mark Dever and Paul Alexander
You’re Not Crazy. A podcast discussing how gospel doctrine must produce gospel culture in our churches.
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon
Prone To Wander: Prayers Of Confession & Celebration by Barbara Duguid & Wayne Duguid Houk
Things Unseen by Sinclair Ferguson (an audio devotional)
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever
The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon
God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation by Andreas Kostenberger
Letters to a Romantic: On Dating by Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon

Letters to a Romantic: On Engagement by Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon
Resources for men:
A Man As Priest In His Home by Samuel Waldron
Godly Man’s Picture by Thomas Watson
Resources for women:
Journeywomen. A podcast and ministry passionate about helping women know and love God more.
Risen Motherhood. A podcast discussing relevant topics to everyday motherhood through the lens of the gospel.
The Everyday Pastor by Ligon Duncan and Matt Smethurst. Offering wisdom, encouragement, and practical insights to help you navigate the trenches of ministry with fortitude and joy.
On Preaching by H.B. Charles Jr. A podcast dedicated to helping you preach faithfully, clearly, and better.
Pastors Talk by 9Marks. A podcast about practical aspects of the Christian life and pastoral ministry.
Practical Shepherding. A ministry for helping pastors thrive in the trenches of pastoral ministry.
Preachers Talk by 9Marks. A podcast for preachers of God’s Word.
Simeon Trust. Organization dedicated to “training the next generation of Bible expositors.”
Trench Talk by Practical Shepherding. A podcast to tackle the issues pastors face and provide practical advice and wisdom for them.
Books about pastoral ministry & church leadership:
The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges
Lectures To My Students by Charles Spurgeon
Preaching and Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
THEOLOGY (resources for getting grounded in the truth).
Everyone’s A Theologian by R.C. Sproul
Concise Theology by J.I. Packer
The Wonderful Works Of God by Herman Bavinck
THEOLOGY PROPER (resources specifically about knowing God better).
Attributes of God by A.W. Pink
God The Son Incarnate by Stephen Wellum
Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer